Maintenance Strategies for TimberTech® Decks

TimberTech® offers their Pro collection for your next decking project: a 4-sided, capped composite decking material designed to offer complete surface protection from most weather conditions. TimberTech Pro is further subdivided into three segments—Legacy, Tropical and Terrain—each of which offers the exact color palette to match your home’s exterior and siding.

TimberTech Pro products require less upkeep than their contemporaries, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect it completely. Like every home component, the best way to make it last is through periodic maintenance and inspection. Today, Pechacek’s General Contracting, Roofing & Siding LLC shares care and maintenance tips for TimberTech decking.

Regular Inspection Pays Off

Mold and its ilk grow in areas where moisture is abundant; these places sees little to no sun and are not ventilated. Seasons with high moisture, such as winter, also make your deck susceptible to mold growth even when they receive a good amount of sun and air. Inspect your TimberTech deck after it rains or snows.

Keep in mind that you cannot remove mold and mildew using just soap and water. Instead, find a cleaning solution rated for use on composite surfaces. Opt for nylon bristle brushes too and steer clear of abrasive steel brushes. Otherwise, call a new-deck installer like Pechacek’s General Contracting, Roofing & Siding LLC for cleaning help.

Watch Out for Landscaping

Nearby shrubbery and other low-lying plants may have branches or leaves that can scratch your deck’s outer layer. Trim these plants at least a foot away from your deck. Keeping your deck clear allows it to “breathe” and prevents the growth of mold (see above) and the development of decay.

Sweep Leaves Away

Apart from imparting a sense of neglect to the whole property, untended, fallen leaves that litter a deck may also stain it, especially when they rot. Sweep them away as soon as you see it. Be proactive, and invest in a patio cover, which is especially useful in the fall.

For your next (and last) decking project, count on Pechacek’s General Contracting, Roofing & Siding LLC. We are your leading provider of roofing, siding and gutter repair services. Give us a call at (715) 502-2006 or fill out our contact form to request a free quote. We serve homeowners in River Falls, WI, and nearby areas.