4 Reasons to Choose Prefinished Siding for Your Home

In terms of material choices for your siding replacement project, the prefinished type is worth considering. Local siding and gutter repair contractor Pechacek’s General Contracting highlights some of its several advantages below:

1. Time-Saving Installation

Except for a few touch-ups, typical prefinished siding installation doesn’t involve painting on the surface, minimizing splattering and overspraying effectively. It is a ready-to-install product, which means saving not only on time but also on labor hours and costs.

2. Mess-Free Job Site

In some projects that require painting on the siding surface, there’s the risk of harming the surrounding landscaping. Prefinished siding is your best choice if you want to avoid the potential mess created by paint cans and clean-up materials scattered around the side of the house.

3. Consistent Color

During the manufacturing process, the engineered wood siding receives an even coating under factory-controlled conditions. Then, it goes through a drying oven before it is wrapped carefully for shipping. As a result, you get a prefinished product with no variations in color, streaks, lap marks and other blemishes.

4. High-Quality Siding

Prefinished siding is designed to provide a uniform finish and promote balanced weathering. This reduces the need for constant maintenance. Plus, the product comes in a wide variety of styles and profiles. Whatever option you choose, you can be sure of its exceptional quality that comes from stringent manufacturing and quality control.

At Pechacek’s General Contracting, we install LP® SmartSide® siding, a product that combines the beauty of real wood with exceptional durability. It can resist damage from impact, rot, fungal decay, termites and extreme temperatures.

In addition to roofs, gutters, and siding, we also specialize in installing new decks. Call us today at (715) 425-9801 to get started. You may also fill out our contact form to request an estimate. We serve homeowners in River Falls, WI.